Leks 1


The first video of this course introduces Fâajk and Jâan. The two young men study and meet for the first time. The aim of this video is to see how to get along in East Frisian Platt introduce, greet and say goodbye.

Fâajk un Jâan stellent sük fööer

F: Moin! Ik häit Fâajk.
J: Moin! Haartelk wilkoomen.
F: Woo häitst duu?
J: Ik häit Jâan.

F: Wor kumst duu heer, Jâan?
J: Ik koom nuu fan d' skaul.
F: Nee, dat wul ik dii näit fróógen.
J: Oo! Duu mäinst, wor ik nuu woon?
F: Jóó!
J: Ik woon nuu in Häisel.

F: Dan haartelk wilkoomen in Läär!
J: Bedankt! Daajst duu aarbaiden of stuudäären?
F: Ik wil IT stuudäären.
J: Un wat wult duu worden?
F: Ik wil softweerundwikkeler worden. Daajst duu aarbaiden of stuudäären?
J: Stuudäären! Ik bün nuu in 't läest joer fan miin stuudjem kommunikóósje. Ik wil nóó miin stuudjem in Emden aarbaiden.

F: Wult duu ook tee drinken?
J: Jóó, geern!
F: Dan skenk ik dii insent äien in.
J: Bedankt!

F: Proost tee!
J: Proost tee!

J: Fâajk, woo old büst duu?
F: Ik bün achttain joer old. Un duu Jâan? Woo old büst duu?
J: Ik bün äinuuntwintiğ.
F: Däi tee was häil gaud!

J: Dat doch ik ook!
F: Meskiin bit tauken keer?
J: Jóó meskiin.
F: Bit dan.
J: Jóó, allerbäest!

exercise 1 - introduction

exercise 2 - greet and say goodbye

grammar - capitalization

In East Frisian Platt, as in German, the first word at the beginning of a sentence and all proper names are capitalized. In contrast, nouns are always written in lower case, as in almost all other languages.


As a rule, all East Frisian characters can be found on modern smartphone keyboards (e.g. Android or iOS). To do this, the respective letter key must be pressed long so that special characters are displayed.


If your device does not support all characters, you can find out how here you can use one of our East Frisian keyboards:

East Frisian keyboards

Otherwise you can also copy the special characters from here:

ä â ê ğ î ó ö ô ü û

exercise 3 - gap text

grammar - the regular verb

The regular verb in the present tense.

prooten (to speak) woonen (to live somewhere)
ik proot woon stem
duu prootst woonst stem + st
häi/säi/'t proott woont stem + t
wii/jii/säi prootent woonent stem + ent

exercise 4 - conjugate verbs

exercise 5 - the right order

exercise 6 - characterization

media - D'r was insent 'n oel wiifminsk

Each lesson ends with an audio text. Just read along and listen to get used to the pronunciation and spelling of East Frisian.